New TinyUmbrella beta released

BY Andy

Published 23 Mar 2015


Semaphore aka notcom, developer of TinyUmbrella, the tool that allows you to take a backup of SHSH blobs has released another update for the tool (TinyUmbrella beta).

Semaphore had released TinyUmbrella beta, which was rewritten from ground up and a lot more easier to use, a week back. He has also indicated that it maybe possible to downgrade to an older iOS version using SHSH blobs in the future.

With today’s update, semaphore has also provided details about the changes and improvements in TinyUmbrella beta:

  • Architecture detection – TinyUmbrella will now warn you if iTunes is a different architecture. This affects device detection. If TinyUmbrella and iTunes are not the same architecture, TinyUmbrella will not be able to detect your device
  • Contention issues – I had some nasty race conditions revolving around startup and the handling of files. This has been fixed in the latest build
  • SHSH ECID and Version detection – TinyUmbrella was failing to detect very old (3.x) SHSH formats. This resulted in -1.shshs. This has been fixed and the actual SHSHs found in those -1 files will be placed in their proper homes automatically.
  • Longer TSS Fetch cooldown – This is important because if we hit the TSS servers too quickly, their flood detection will kick in and we will earn ourselves a nice temporary IP ban.
  • Device Highlighting from SHSH table – When you select a signature in the table, the corresponding device is highlighted in the device tree.
  • Many more bug fixes

He also plans to add the on-device SHSH fetching feature for A7 and A8 devices.

If you’ve saved the SHSH blobs using the previous version of TinyUmbrella beta, then you don’t need to use it again. If you haven’t then it is highly recommended to download TinyUmbrella and save them. You can download the latest version of TinyUmbrella beta from this link. If you need help then follow our guide on how to save SHSH blobs using TinyUmbrella.

➤ How to save SHSH blobs for your iPhone or iPad using the new TinyUmbrella beta

Download TinyUmbrella