As we had reported a few days back, coolstar had released Electra Jailbreak RC1 which included Cydia for iOS 11 to developers. He has released RC 1.3 to tweak developers.
Initially, he was planning to release Electra Jailbreak with Cydia to the public. However, he had to delay the release because “all packages from saurik’s repo and many 3rd party Cydia packages that depends on daemons are broken on iOS 11.” coolstar plans to release Electra Jailbreak with Cydia “once core 3rd-party packages are updated.”
It makes sense to release Cydia when packages from saurik’s repo and other 3rd party Cydia packages are available. Otherwise, it will end up frustrating jailbreakers. The developer release will give developers time to update the packages.
coolstar hasn’t provided an ETA on when Electra Jailbreak with Cydia for iOS 11 will be released. He has mentioned that “request from fakers are actually delaying Electra’s public release as it’s making it difficult for actual developers to reach me”.
Unfortunately, it looks like a tweak developer has leaked the IPA of the Electra Jailbreak with Cydia for iOS 11. You should avoid using the leaked IPA as you won’t be able to upgrade to the final version. coolstar has tweeted:
People who used the leaked Electra RC 1.x IPA’s will not be able to upgrade to the final version. If you’ve used the leak, enjoy living your pirated copy’s bugs until you futurerestore/manually clean up your filesystem 🙂
People with a legitimate copy will be able to upgrade.
He is quite upset and has said that iOS 11 jailbreak will be his last jailbreak. He also goes on to add that “already didn’t really like iPhones newer than 6S, and stock iOS feels boring to me. Planning on getting an Android device soon…”
Please be patient, he will release Electra Jailbreak with Cydia when it is ready. The last thing we want is talented hackers like coolstar leaving the jailbreak scene.
As always, we’ll let you know as soon as Cydia for iOS 11 is released. Don’t forget to signup for our Daily Newsletter so you don’t miss any iOS 11 jailbreak news.