This Jailbreak Tweak Displays the Weather Information on Lock Screen and Notification Center

BY Ali Hassan Mahdi

Published 11 Feb 2017

iOS 10 has brought considerable changes to the Lock screen and Notification Center such that you can take a quick glance at important information. An example is the stock and third-party widgets that display vital information.

Despite these improvements, there are still certain features that could have been added to iOS 10. DisplayWeather 10 is a new jailbreak tweak that aims to bring an essential feature to iOS 10.

This new tweak displays the current weather condition of your city right on the Lock screen and Notification Center. It is added to top left corner of the widgets screen on both the Lock screen and Notification Center. The weather details that are displayed include the current temperature along with the weather condition such as rain, snow, sunny, etc.

Since the tweak uses Location Service to detect your city, it will work only if you have this option enabled for the Weather app. If Location Services is disabled, the weather information won’t be displayed on the Lock screen and Notification Center.

After you install WeatherDisplay, no additional configuration is required. Simply enable Location Services for the Weather app and the tweak will automatically detect your current location and display the corresponding weather information.

While it sounds like a useful tweak, one major disadvantage is that the weather information is displayed on the Lock screen widgets page rather than the main page. Personally, I’d prefer to take a quick glance at the weather information right from the main page of the Lock screen rather than having to swipe to the widgets page.

Another thing that I don’t like is that the weather icon hides behind the search bar as can be seen from the screenshot above. The tweak definitely needs more work in terms of aesthetics.

If you’d like to give WeatherDisplay a try, it is available for free on Cydia’s BigBoss repo.