How to Downgrade a Jailbreak Tweak in Cydia

BY Ali Hassan Mahdi

Published 13 Jul 2015

Recently, Saurik updated Cydia to version 1.1.23 which brings a few new major features. One such feature includes the ability to downgrade Cydia packages if an older version is available on the repository where the tweak is hosted. This is a useful feature as some upgrades can make packages unstable on your device so its important to downgrade them back to the previous version.

Read the step-by-step guide below to find out how to downgrade packages in Cydia to an older version. Note that this feature requires Cydia 1.1.23 installed so if you haven’t upgraded Cydia to the latest version then we recommend that you do so before continuing.

Step 1: Launch Cydia.

Step 2: Open the package which you’d like to downgrade.

Step 3: Tap on the Modify button in the top right corner.

Downgrade Cydia Package

Step 4: Tap on Downgrade. Note that you will see this option only if the package has an older version available on the repository.

Downgrade Cydia Package

Step 5: Choose the version which you’d like to downgrade to.

Step 6: Press Confirm to start downgrading the package to the selected version. Once done, you might be required to respring your device.

That’s all you need to do to downgrade Cydia packages. I’ve seen updates that break the jailbreak tweak so having the ability to downgrade them back to the previous version is a great addition.

What do you think of the recent change made to Cydia? Leave your opinions in the comments section below.