Apple Releases New iPhone XR ‘Color Flood’ Ad

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 28 Dec 2018

iPhone XR side profile

Apple has released a new ad for the iPhone XR where it is highlighting the different colors the phone is available in. Titled ‘Color Flood,’ the ad is just over a minute long and shows people running in groups, with each group of people wearing a solid color uniform in which the iPhone XR is available in.

Despite being an ad for the iPhone XR, the device is only shown towards the end of the video. The ad solely highlights the six different colors the iPhone XR is available in — White, Black, Blue, Yellow, Coral, and Product(RED). Interestingly, the ad also has groups of people wearing green and purple suits, colors in which the iPhone XR is not available in.

If the background music has caught your attention, its “Come Along” by Cosmo Sheldrake.

Despite carrying a lower price tag than the iPhone XS and XS Max and fewer features than it, Apple offers the iPhone XR in a multitude of colors. This is because the device is primarily targetted towards youngsters who are likely to be more attracted by the different bold colors the phone is available in.

Do you own an iPhone XR? If yes, which color? And if you plan on buying one, which color do you plan to purchase?