Today for the Best Tweaks of the Week, we’ll be taking a look at 4 free tweaks and only 1 paid. So if you’re into just checking out some free tweaks in your free time, then definitely keep reading to see if any of these tweaks will tickle your fancy. We’ll be taking a look at DoubleCut, Dye, FolderIcons (iOS 8), Rounch Dock, and CustomMessages. Let’s jump in!
DoubleCut – Free
If you’re constantly inputting your e-mail address for whatever reason on your device, whether its when you’re signing up for something, logging into a website, or even just giving out your e-mail, it can sometimes get tedious. With DoubleCut, all you need to do is input your e-mail address within the settings and then you just double tap on the “@” symbol on your keyboard to quickly input your e-mail address. Give it a shot!
Dye – Free
Here’s a tweak that will allow you to change the color of the UI on your device. It has a few more options within the settings as well, that allow you to darken the keyboard and change up the blur, but the main feature will be selecting the new color that you want to use on your device. Just slide your finger across the color wheel or input a hex code if you have a specific color in mind and you can completely change the color of the UI to match your theme. It’s very similar to the iOS 7 tweak Fancy.
FolderIcons (iOS 8) – Free
This tweak will allow you to change up the icon/preview of your folders on your springboard. I’ve never been a fan of the grid preview of the apps within the folder, I think it just looks cluttered, so this tweak is a breath of fresh air. Just get your icons into wiggle mode and then tap on the little settings icon on the top left corner of the folder icon to change the look of the icon. You can change the background, foreground, while showing/hiding the preview apps, badges, and labels. I wish there were more foreground symbols, but it’s still worth checking out.
RoundDock – Free
This is a very simple tweak that rounds out the corners of the top of the dock. If you’re not using a custom dock, like ClassicDock, then this is a nice alternative. I’ve always been a fan of rounding out any sharp corners when it comes to iOS, so this is a nice, simple, straight forward tweak to try out.
CustomMessages – $1.99
While a lot of us have been waiting for MessagesCustomiser to be updated for iOS 8, which may never happen, a new Messages tweak has been released. This tweak isn’t as good as MessagesCustomiser, but it may be able to hold you over until there is either more updates for this tweak or a completely new Messages tweak is released. Of course, this tweak will allow you to change the bubbles in messages, as well as the background. You’ll have to figure out the colors using trial and error because all there is to change the colors are the RGB sliders. This tweak does have potential, but there’s quite a few improvements that need to be made to get up to par with MessagesCustomiser. But, if you’re desperate to change up the colors of your Messages, this is the way to go.
Here’s a walkthrough of all the tweaks mentioned above.
Let me know what you think about all these tweaks in the comments!