If you’ve got or getting Pebble, the e-paper smart watch, then we’ve some exciting news for you.
A new jailbreak tweak called BTNotificationEnabler has recently hit Cydia that will send all your Notification Center notifications to Bluetooth devices like Pebble.
The jailbreak tweak will be very useful for Pebble users as currently it can get notifications only for incoming calls, emails, messages, Calendar and Reminders out of the box.
BTNotificationEnabler removes the limitation and gives you an option to send notifications even for third-party apps from your iPhone to Pebble over MAP (Messaging Access Profile).
As you can see in the screenshot below, Conrad Kramer aka conradev, the developer of the tweak has also added an option that will allow you to enable or disable Notifications at an application level.
Let’s hope that the Pebble team can improve the reliability of the connection between the smartwatch and the iPhone, as it seems to be the biggest gripe at the moment.
I will let you know how the BTNotificationEnabler tweak works when I get Pebble. I’m told it’s on the way.
I can’t wait to see what else the hackers will do to enhance the functionality of smartwatches like Pebble.
Via: conradev