Cydia Replacement Sileo ‘Is Almost Ready’ for Release

BY Smidh

Published 3 Dec 2018

Sileo, the full Cydia replacement

One of Electra team members has confirmed that the team is still working on Sileo, their Cydia replacement. The package installer is aimed at replacing Cydia for jailbroken iOS 11 devices, with the Electra team teasing it about five months ago.

Back then, the Electra team claimed that Sileo was ‘coming soon.’ Fast forward to December, there has been no word about Sileo from the Electra team about its release. Thankfully, replying to one of the tweets about Sileo, @Alessandro Chiarlitti – a member of the Electra team — confirmed that the package installer is “almost ready” for release.

There’s no date accompanying that tweet so don’t get your hopes up high. Jailbreak teams are known to say that the releasing is coming soon and then completely vanish for a few months.

At one point of time, Cydia was the package manager for jailbroken iOS devices. However, with Cydia not receiving any meaningful updates for years now, the jailbreaking scene is in dire need of a modern and up to date package manager. The Electra team is hoping to provide just that to jailbroken users with Sileo.

Are you excited about the impending release of Sileo? Or have you completely abandoned the jailbreaking scene?

If you want to know more about Sileo, make sure to check out our in-depth article about it.