While passcode and Touch ID are the best ways to secure your iPhone, there are times when you want to hand your device to someone else, but you’re afraid that they will check your private photos and messages without your permission. If you’ve jailbroken your iPhone, then there are a number of Cydia tweaks that let you lock apps and folders, such as BioProtect.
Despite the wide range of security tweaks available in Cydia, there’s now another new tweak that aims to secure your iPhone. Called Bio Locker, this new jailbreak tweak secures your iPhone by protecting access to many parts of iOS. Without the correct passcode or Touch ID authorization, no one can get past the authentication prompt.
Bio Locker protects access to the following things:
- Apps installed on your iPhone
- Home screen folders
- Your photo library
- Notifications on Lock screen and Notification Center
- Control Center toggles, including FlipSwitch toggles
- Specific settings pane
- Locks respring and reboot unless authorized
- 3D Touch shortcut menus
As you can see, Bio Locker allows you to protect a lot of things on your iPhone. For instance, the notifications on the Lock screen and Notification Center cannot be viewed unless authorized. This is good when you don’t want others to read your notifications, which could contain sensitive or private information.
Once you install the tweak, head to its preferences pane in Settings where you’ll find a plethora of different settings to improve the security of your iPhone. The settings pane is broken down into three distinct sections, namely General, Protected Items, and Extras.
As the name implies, this section of the preferences pane includes general settings such as:
- Enable protection of the App Switcher
- Enable vibration when authorization fails
- Protect your photos library from being accessed by other apps
- Prevent any changes to your Home screen arrangement unless authorized
- Lock access to 3D Touch shortcut menus
- Require authentication for respring and reboot actions
Protected Items
This is the second section of the tweak’s preferences pane where you can protect access to apps, folders, notifications, and Settings. Each of these have distinct configurations that allow you to do the following:
- Select the apps that should be protected
- Choose the folders on the Home screen that should be locked
- Choose the app notifications that should be protected
- Protect FlipSwitch toggles unless authorized
- Require authorization for specific settings pane
In the Extras section, you’ll find some interesting settings to configure:
- Choose your trusted WiFi networks so that when your device connects to it, Bio Locker gets disabled automatically
- Blur protected apps in the App Switcher
- Select a theme for the Bio Locker authorization pop-up
These are all the settings that are made available in the tweak’s preferences pane. This extensive list of settings gives you the complete flexibility to secure your device the way you want.
Coming to the authorization part, you have the choice to either authenticate with Touch ID or use a passcode. The latter can be used on devices that don’t have Touch ID, such as iPhone 5. If the authentication fails, there’s no way that you can get past through it until successfully authorized. This gives you a complete peace of mind that your apps, private images, and files are secure from unauthorized access.
Bio Locker comes in handy in many situations, especially when you want to hand your device to a friend or a family member. You no longer have to worry that they will snoop around your photos library and text messages.
If you wish to get your hands on Bio Locker, it is available for $1.99 in Cydia’s BigBoss repo. The tweak supports jailbroken devices running iOS 8, iOS 9, and iOS 10. So I suppose a majority of jailbreak users should be able to install this tweak without any compatibility issues.