Facebook Experimental Video-Based Dating App Is Called Sparked

BY Sanuj Bhatia

Published 13 Apr 2021

facebook sparked dating app

Facebook is experimenting a new video-based dating app called Sparked, according to a report from The Verge. The app is based on the concept of speed dating and it requires no profile creation, no swiping, and involves no DMs.

Sparked has been developed by Facebook’s NPE Team, the team that works on experimental projects. The app even had a working web page a few hours ago but the site has been taken down since. The Verge was able to access the web page, and says that the app has been described as “video dating with kind people.”

Sparked will require no account creation and profile set up. People will cycle through quick four-minute video dates, and if things go well, you’ll be able to schedule a second 10-minute date. After that point, Sparked suggests they can exchange contact information and stay in touch through Instagram, iMessage, or email.

Users will have to answer some questions while signing up to show how ‘kind’ they are. The responses will then be “reviewed by a human at Sparked,” before a user can go ahead and start video dating. Users will also be given an option to select who they want to date among men, women, or nonbinary people, and then will be given asked a question if the user is open to dating trans people.

Facebook says that the app is still very much a beta test right now, and looking by NPE’s history, there are very few chances of the app making it to the public.

Have you tried a speed dating video-based app yet? What are your thoughts on the Sparked app? Would you use it? Let us know in the comments section below!

[Via The Verge]