It hasn’t been long since the Electra jailbreak for iOS 11.2 – iOS 11.3.1 was released. In this article, we will show you how to remove or uninstall Electra iOS 11.3.1 jailbreak on your iPhone or iPad with a step-by-step tutorial.
As of this writing, Electra’s website shows that more than 280,000 users have already jailbroken their iOS devices. If you happen to be one of those users, then you must be enjoying all the new tweaks and updates that have been released in the past couple of weeks.
While the new jailbreak is quite stable, it sometimes causes issues that will put you off, such as unexpected freezes or lags, random reboots or reduced performance. There are many reasons contributing to this issue, the most common culprit being unstable or unsupported tweaks that you install on your device.
Fortunately, there is a way to remove the jailbreak and all the installed tweaks from your device without being forced to upgrade the firmware. This can be done with a tweak known as SemiRestore11/Rollectra that can be installed directly from Cydia, without adding any new repository. This tool is quite similar to the legacy Cydia Eraser app released by Saurik, but many users have reported that SemiRestore is much faster and stable.
While this is a very useful tweak, the only catch here is that it supports devices that have been jailbroken with Electra1131 on iOS 11.3 – iOS 11.4 Beta 3. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps required to remove Electra and unjailbreak your iPhone or iPad.
Note: SemiRestore11 will erase all data, documents, tweaks, and apps from your device, so make sure that you have a backup of your device before proceeding to use this tool.
How to Remove Electra1131 Jailbreak from iPhone or iPad
Step 1: Open Cydia and install SemiRestore11/Rollectra. You don’t have to add any new repository, just search for the package in Cydia and install it.
Step 2: Once installed, a new icon appears on your Home screen labelled SemiRestore. Tap on it to open.
Step 3: Now press the Unjailbreak button to begin the process and remove the jailbreak from your device. The whole process usually takes a few minutes, so do not use your device until the process has finished.
Once your device has been unjailbroken, it will reboot and show the Hello screen. At this point, all your personal data, documents, and jailbreak files have been removed and you can start afresh.
The process is quite simple and straightforward, and is very useful if you don’t want your device to be upgraded to the latest iOS firmware. An alternative to this method is placing your device in Recovery Mode and restoring it, but that would force your device to update to the latest available firmware.
If you’ve been facing issues after jailbreaking your device with Electra1131, then do give this method a try and let us know how it goes in the comments below.