Tip: Here’s the fastest way to teach iOS Autocorrect new words

BY Jason

Published 23 Nov 2013

iOS’ autocorrect can be helpful when it works, but is very annoying when you’re typing correctly, and autocorrect replaces it with something else, just because the word isn’t in the iOS dictionary. You must have undoubtedly encountered this annoyance, and found workarounds, but here’s the quickest way to “teach” autocorrect new words.

Simply open up Safari and type the word in the smart search field. Once you’ve done that, iOS should stop correcting that word for you.

Of course, you could instead add the word to the shortcuts list (which syncs across all your devices) from Settings > General > Keyboards > Shortcuts, but searching in Safari is much quicker.


There are other methods as well to teach iOS new words, check it out if this doesn’t work for you.

The nice thing is that, the dictionary gets synced across iOS devices, so if you successfully add a word, it should get synced across all your devices.

Let us know if this tip helped you.

[via Gizmodo]