Make iPhone app icons react to the force of gravity with Gravitation Jailbreak Tweak

BY Ali Hassan Mahdi

Published 12 Feb 2016


If you’ve been part of the jailbreak community for a long time, you might remember a tweak known as Graviboard which added a nice gravitation effect to your Home screen. Now a new jailbreak tweak aptly called Gravitation inspired by Graviboard brings the same effect to your iOS 9 devices.

The tweak adds gravitational effect to your Home screen app icons. With just the shake of your iPhone, the tweak will be activated and make your app icons fall to the bottom of the screen. By tilting your device, you can move the app icons freely on the screen.

Gravitation also supports Activator allowing you to use a gesture to invoke the tweak. To disable the gravity effect, all you have to do is to press the Home screen button and the app icons will move back to their original place and stay still.


Once you install Gravitation, head over to the tweak’s preferences pane in Settings to configure it. You can enable or disable it on demand, add exploding animation, hide app labels and toggle on or off app launching. The pane also allows you to adjust the amount of gravity, bounciness, and friction.

Gravitation is a type of tweak that doesn’t make you more efficient when using your iPhone but adds an element of fun to your Home screen. If this reminds you of the old days of jailbreaking and Graviboard then you might want to give it a try. The tweak is available for $0.99 on Cydia’s BigBoss repo and supports both iOS 8 and iOS 9.

For tutorials on how to jailbreak iOS 9 – iOS 9.0.2:

You can also check our iOS 9.2.1 jailbreak and iOS 9.2 jailbreak page for the latest update: