PreferenceOrganizer 2 keeps your App Store and Cydia settings in different folders [Jailbreak Tweak]

BY Ali Hassan Mahdi

Published 15 Jan 2016


Over time, as you install more App Store apps and jailbreak tweaks from Cydia, the Settings app can get piled up with preferences dedicated to these apps and tweaks. PreferenceOrganizer 2 is an interesting jailbreak tweak that keeps the Settings pane more organized by moving the available preferences into different folders.

The tweak creates four folders in the Settings app namely Apple Apps, Social Apps, Tweaks and App Store Apps. All the preferences that correspond to each of these folders will be moved there respectively. The Apple Apps folder will contain the settings for the stock iOS apps such as Notes, Reminders, Messages etc. whereas the Social Apps folder contains the preferences of Facebook, Twitter and more.

Likewise, rather than listing all the preferences of your jailbreak tweaks in Settings, they will be moved to the Tweaks folder to keep the app tidy and more organized.

Once you’ve installed the tweak, additional configuration is not required. Simply launch the Settings app and you will notice that the tweak has placed all the app and tweak preferences in their corresponding folders.

PreferenceOrganizer 2 has been out for a long time but the recent update to the tweak brings support for iOS 9 devices. If you’ve been missing this tweak, then now’s the best chance to get your hands on it. You can install it by adding the following new source to Cydia:

What do you think of PreferencesOrganizer 2? Let us know in the comments section below.