Quickly sort the apps on your Home screen with AppSort

BY Ali Hassan Mahdi

Published 20 Feb 2016


Sorting apps on your Home screen can be a hefty task especially when you have a lot of apps to go through. AppSort is a new jailbreak tweak that provides a quick and easy way of sorting apps on your Home screen.

With AppSort, the apps will be automatically sorted on your Home screen within a few seconds without requiring any work from your side. All you have to do is to choose the sort criteria and the tweak will handle the rest.

AppSort currently allows you to sort apps by the following criteria:

  • Alphabetical order
  • Badge count
  • Color brightness of app
  • Hue
  • Randomly
  • Reds
  • Usage

You can invoke the tweak via an Activator gesture. This gesture can be set from the tweak’s preferences pane in Settings. Once invoked, a list of sort options is displayed on the Home screen.

After you choose a criteria, the tweak automatically organizes the apps based on the option you’ve chosen. For instance, if you choose the ‘Alphabetical’ option, all the apps on your Home screen will be sorted based on their name, excluding the apps on the dock.

If you feel that the sorting list is limited then you can also create your own sort method by writing a new script with Lua, only if you have a knowledge of how the scripting language works. You can view a detailed documentation on how to create Lua scripts for the tweak from its preferences pane in Settings.

If you have a lot of apps on your Home screen which you’d like to sort then AppSort is the fastest way of doing it. The only downfall that I see in the tweak is the lack of ability to go back to the old Home screen layout, in case you don’t like the new layout.

If you’re interested to check out AppSort, it is available as a free package on Cydia’s BigBoss repo. Let us know what you think about it in the comments section.