Siri can flip a coin, and also roll the dice

BY Gautam Prabhu

Published 1 Oct 2013

You can use Siri for tons of things and Apple has added even more features to it in iOS 7, but I’m sure many of you didn’t know it could also do this.

Chartier over at Finer Things in Tech reports that it can be used to flip a coin, and to even roll a dice.

As you can see in the screenshot below, tell Siri “Flip a coin,” and “Roll the dice” and it will respond promptly with an answer.


As one user has found out, there are times when Siri’s coin can fall into a crack.



It’s not clear if Apple has added this recently or Siri has been able to do this for a long time. But it’s definitely not an iOS 7 feature as Siri can do this in iOS 6 too.

[Jerrod H via Finer Things in Tech]