Ever since Apple launched the iPhone, we’ve always wanted the Weather app to dynamically update the app icon with the live weather so we don’t have to go through the hassle of launching the app.
In iOS 5.x.x, a jailbreak tweak called WeatherIcon brought live weather to the Home screen. The good news is that the developer has just released an update for the tweak to add support for iOS 6.
Install the jailbreak tweak from Cydia and it will automagically update the weather icon with the live weather as you can see above instead of displaying the static 73 degrees Fahrenheit or 23 degrees Celsius and sunny.
The tweak currently doesn’t support updating the Status bar with the live weather but the developer has mentioned that it will need an update to libstatusbar and will be coming soon.
The jailbreak tweak doesn’t offer any configuration options in the Settings app, it will display the live weather based on your location and if you’ve disabled location services for the Weather app (Settings -> Privacy -> Location Services), it will display the live weather of the city that is on the top of the list in the Weather app.
WeatherIcon 6 is available for free on Cydia. If you’re on a jailbroken device then you can tap on the download link below to install it.
If you’re worried about battery life, then it looks like the tweak updates the icon with the live weather only when you unlock your device and not at some pre-defined frequency, so it should not have a major impact on battery life.
Let me know how it goes.