In case you were busy this week and didn’t get a chance to check Cydia, don’t worry as we have compiled a list of all the new tweaks that were released in the week which are worth checking out.
The newly released tweaks range from bringing back the iOS 6 folder style to iOS 10 to allowing you to set the default page of Control Center.
AMP (Free): sets the Now Playing page as the default page in Control Center when there’s a music playing.
Cheader (Free): colorizes the iOS banner notifications.
ClassicFolders 2 ($1.99): brings the iOS 6 folder style to iOS 10.
Hypeman (Free): announces new tracks as they change via Siri.
Lace (Free): provides a number of customization options for Notification Center.
MaskedHotspotPass (Free): masks the WiFi password in Personal Hotspot.
Masq ($1.75): lets you customize the artwork on Lock screen and Control Center.
NCWallCustomizer (Free): allows you to add a custom background to Notification Center.
NPTweet (Free): adds a Flipswitch toggle to Control Center for tweeting your currently playing song.
Pigeon (Free): updates the app icon badges when you clear notifications via Notification Center.
PresentPage (Free): lets you choose the default page in Control Center.
Tinc (Free): lets you customize the background color of Notification Center and Control Center.
ViewDockOnTodayView (Free): displays the dock even when in Today view.
YTResume (Free): resumes YouTube videos from where you left them.
These are all the new tweaks that were released this week. If you’d like to jailbreak iOS 10.2, read the following guide:
What do you think of this week’s new tweaks? Leave your opinion in the comments below.