Top 10 Free Cydia Tweaks for iOS 9 [Take 2]

BY Andy

Published 17 Oct 2015

Top iOS 9 Cydia tweaks

When the Pangu team pleasantly surprised us by releasing the Pangu iOS 9 – iOS 9.0.2 jailbreak tool, we celebrated the occassion by compiling a list of the top 20 free jailbreak tweaks.

If that wasn’t enough then here’s another list of our favorite free jailbreak apps and tweaks.

If you’re looking for new tweaks for your freshly jailbroken iPhone. Here’s a great place to get started!

#1. BreadcrumbsAway

BreadcrumsAway is one of the new jailbreak tweaks for iOS 9, which lets you dismiss the “Back to App” shortcut in iOS 9.

Read our BreadcrumbsAway review for more details.

#2. UniversalForce

Tweaks like Forcy and RevealMenu have brough 3D Touch Quick Actions to older iOS 9 devices. UniversalForce is a complimentary feature. It brings the peep and pop 3D Touch features to older iOS 9 devices.


#3. betterFiveC0lumnHomescreen

betterFiveC0lumnHomescreen allows you to have 5 columns of apps instead of 4 on your iPhone’s Home screen.

Read our betterFiveColumnHomescreen review for more details.


#4. betterFiveIconDock

Our favorite and most frequently used apps are in the iPhone dock, so this tweak is a no-brainer as it allows you to add an additional icon to the iPhone dock. The five icons in the dock looks great on the iPhone 6s Plus and iPhone 6s as the icons are well spaced out, and doesn’t look cramped as on the iPhone 5/iPhone 5s (you can always fix that reducing the size of the icons).

Read: How to add a fifth icon to the iPhone dock

#5. f.lux

We’ve all been there – a notification arrives on your iPhone late at night, and the screen brightness nearly blinds you for the first few seconds after unlocking. F.lux aims to solve this problem by adjusting the color of your iPhone’s display to better adapt to the time of the day.


Read our F.lux review for more details.

#6. BlurryLaunch

BlurryLaunch displays a smooth blur effect when launching the App Switcher.

#7. CCSettings

Control Center by default has a restricted set of toggles including ones for Airplane mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Do Not Disturb. CCSettings increases the set of available toggles by adding toggles for Cellular Data, VPN, Personal Hotspot, Location Services, Auto Lock and a lot more.

To see the additional list of toggles, you just have to swipe from right to left. In landscape mode, you’ll have to swipe vertically. You can also customise the order and remove or add toggles from Settings > CCSettings.

Read our CCSettings review.

#8. BetterFourByFourFolders

BetterFourByFourFolders lets you put 16 apps in a single folder.


#9. RevealNC9

RevealNC9 is a new iOS 9 jailbreak tweak that brings Android-style swipe animation for Notification Center.

#10. BlurryBadges

This tweak will give you the ability to blur your badges. It also makes the badges transparent, so whatever color your wallpaper is, it assumes that color and blurs it. You can also add different color borders and border thicknesses to your badges within the settings.

We would love to know your favorite jailbreak apps and tweaks, so please do share them in the comments below.

You can check our post for the complete list of iOS 9 compatible jailbreak apps and tweaks:

iOS 9 – iOS 9.0.2 Compatible Jailbreak Tweaks

For tutorials on how to jailbreak iOS 9 – iOS 9.0.2:

You can also check our iOS 9.1 jailbreak page for the latest update:

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