Apple’s ‘Reuse & Recycle’ program detailed in new report

BY Evan Selleck

Published 17 Feb 2016

Apple Reuse and Recycle

It’s been over two years since Apple initiated its “Reuse & Recycle” program for the iPhone, and now a detailed look of how that process works has been published.

The report comes from Bloomberg, and it outlines what exactly goes through the process of someone turning in their old iPhone, and what happens next. There are currently 50 requirements and regulations in place that Apple’s recycle contractors have to follow, so there are a lot of steps, a lot of device checks, before the device finds its ultimate fate. Interestingly enough, while the program has an emphasis on recycling, the end result doesn’t always mean the device will be destroyed and brought back to life in a different way, but could find its way to the secondary market instead.

An interesting tidbit from the report indicates that, even in its afterlife, Apple is very particular about the leftover parts. Specifically, Apple says that the scrapped parts cannot be mixed with that of components from other manufacturers, and therefore contractor locations need to have dedicated facilities for Apple products. Apple also doesn’t take a priority to repurposing its components, either, as one contractor says Apple has a full-on destruction policy in place.

“Apple shreds its devices to avoid having fake Apple products appearing on the secondary market, Jackson said. The company is working on ways to reuse components in the future, she said, declining to elaborate.”

It’s certainly an interesting look through the process. You can read the full breakdown through the link below.

[via Bloomberg]