The Best Apps for Your New iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus

BY Khamosh Pathak

Published 6 Nov 2016

Apple iPhone 7 Plus

So you’ve got a new iPhone. Maybe it’s the your first iPhone, maybe it’s your 3rd upgrade. In any case, what you’re looking for right now, is excuses to use this hunk of metal more. And the best way to do that is with the best apps on iOS 10. And we’ve got them for you, right below.

Read: Top 25 Widgets for iOS 10

Best Simple Third Party Email App: Microsoft Outlook


If you’re looking for a third party email client that’s easy to use, has calendar features and is “smart” about when to notify you about important emails, Microsoft’s Outlook app is it. I really like using its “Focused” inbox where it only lists emails that it thinks are important to me (it’s usually right).

Download: Microsoft Outlook

Best Feature Rich Third Party Email App: Dispatch


Dispatch provides you the tools you need to deal with your email overload – quickly and well. Swipe gestures help you archive or snooze email. When replying, fields are auto populated. Dispatch also has a bit of automation. So you can easily take an email and send it to Trello for instance. Or convert it into PDF and send it to iBooks.

Download: Dispatch ($6.99)

Best Third Party Twitter App: Tweetbot 4


If you want a much more pleasant, and ad-free Twitter experience, that’s well designed, it doesn’t get much better than Tweetbot. I really like the customisable tab bar, the typography, the 3D Touch shortcuts and the general pleasantness of all. Once you buy the app, check out our tips and tricks for Tweetbot 4.

Download: Tweetbot 4 ($9.99)

Best Paid Third Party Camera App: Manual


iOS 10 now has support for RAW. Plus, the camera on the iPhone 7 is on the league of its own. Combine these two and you might just want to leave your DSLR behind. If you choose to, Manual will let you shoot in RAW, and let you control all the aspects of the short – ISO, Shutter speed, focus and more. All in a simple to use, minimal interface.

Download: Manual ($3.99)

Best Free Photo Editor App: VSCO


If you like using Instagram to edit photos, but want a lot more options and control over the edit, look at VSCO. The interface is bit too “artsy” but once you get a hang of it, the images can can create with it, just by sliding your fingers, are majestic.

Download: VSCO

Best Paid Photo Editor App: Enlight

text over images enlight

If you’re looking for a pro quality photo editing app that has everything from filters, annotation to ability of mixing two images into one, just get Enlight.

Download: Enlight ($3.99)

Best Free RSS Reader: Feedly


If you’re into RSS, you probably use Feedly to sync your subscription. And when it comes to free RSS readers on the iPhone, Feedly is probably the best.

Download: Feedly

Best Paid RSS Reader: Reeder 3


If you don’t mind paying $5, RSS reading on the iPhone doesn’t get much better than Reeder. The reading environment is pleasant and can be customised. The Dark mode is pretty sweet. There’s 3D Touch support as well, so you can 3D Touch an item to read the first para, without opening the article.

Download: Reeder 3 ($4.99)

Best Social News Reader: Nuzzel


There’s too much to read. Nuzzel uses the people you follow, to help bring the best stuff to the top. Nuzzel will only show the articles that were shared by two or more people that you follow on Facebook or Twitter.

Download: Nuzzel

Best Read It Later App: Pocket


Using an app like Pocket, you can save any article from the web, and come back to the app to read it, in a more pleasant, ad-free environment. I used to be in the Instapaper camp (mostly because of the superior typography and highlights feature), but Pockets has won me over. The sync is faster, and the Recommend tab is a great way to find more things to read.

Download: Pocket

Best Automation App: Workflow


Whether it’s a shortcut for getting an Uber home, or an automation task for batch resizing photos, there’s 1 app that can probably do it all – Workflow. With Workflow, all you do is arrange blocks one after the other, join them together, and get the app to do things for you.

Download: Workflow ($2.99)

Best Shortcut Launcher Widget: Launcher


iOS 10 now brings widgets to the Lock screen. Using the Launcher widget, you can do some really cool things like launch apps, Settings shortcuts, call people, send out tweet, even control your Philips Hue light.

Download: Launcher

Best Simple To Do List App: Clear


If you’re looking for a really simple and minimal to do list app, start using Clear. It works entirely on swiping gestures, that can be a little harder to get used to. But once you do, you’ll realize just how faster it is to do everything in the app.

Download: Clear ($4.99)

Best Free To Do List App: Todoist


If you’re looking for a cross platform to do app, something that integrates with a lot of other services, Todoist is it.

Download: Todoist

Best Currency Convertor: Stacks 2


I really like using Stacks 2’s widget to do currency conversion from the Lock screen. Their app is fluid and nicely designed.

Download: Stacks 2 ($2.99)

Best Markdown Editor: 1Writer


If you’re looking for a Markdown editor that syncs with Dropbox, is fast and feature rich, has a dark mode and supports automation workflows, don’t look further than 1Writer. If you also have an iPad, 1Writer works really well in Split View.

Download: 1Writer ($4.99)

Best Bookmarking Tool:


There aren’t that many cross platform bookmarking platforms that both work and are well designed. is both. Their iOS app is pretty good. Plus they have a Mac app and also Chrome and Safari extensions.


Best Time Tracker: Hours Time Tracking


If you want a really simple way to get started with time tracking, get started for free with Hours. Create a project, a task and tap to start tracking time. Hours color codes projects. Their Watch app is a great way to quickly start time tracking.

Download: Hours Time Tracking

Best Third Party Keyboard: Gboard by Google

gboard featured

Third party keyboards on iOS are still buggy. But Gboard makes it worth the trouble. You can search Google, find results and paste the link in the text box. You can also search for GIF and you get emoji suggestions in the keyboard.

Download: Gboard by Google

Best Third Party Podcast App: Overcast


If you’re looking to upgrade from the Podcasts app, try Overcast. It’s completely free to get started. The app is very simple to use. The playlist feature is great for power users. The Smart Speed feature cuts down the silences and speeds up the podcast.

Download: Overcast

Best Expense Tracker: Spendee


Spendee is a great way to quickly record your expenses. You can set a budget, then manually enter your expenses. Spendee generates charts so you can see, visually how well you’re doing. You can has have different wallets and budgets for different things (it requires a paid subscription)

Download: Spendee

Best Clipboard Manager: Copied


Copied is the best cross platform clipboard manager for iOS and macOS. Due to the limitations in iOS, Copied can’t record your clipboard automatically. The widget makes that pretty easy though. The app lets you explore all your clipboard entires. You can merge them, switch them to the active clipboard and more.

Download: Copied

Best Lyrics App: Musixmatch


iOS 10’s Music app has built in Lyrics support but I still like using Musixmatch. One, because it actually has synced and highlighted lyrics. Two, the widget is a great way to sing along to songs, without even unlocking the phone.

Download: Musixmatch

Best Timers App: Due 2


This is the app for the Timer nerd. You can set multiple timers, and you can snooze them till eternity too. 3D Touch shortcut makes it really easy to start new timers.

Download: Due 2 ($4.99)

Best Data Tracker: DataMan Next


If you want to monitor just how much 4G data you’re using and you want to limit yourself, and avoid over-boarding your data limit, use DataMan Next. Once you’re told the app what plan you’re on, and your cycle, it will monitor your data usage and will let you know when you’re overdoing it. The widgets are also a great way to monitor data.

Download: DataMan Next ($0.99)

Best Video Player: VLC for Mobile


VLC is the best way to play any video format (and also FLAC audio files) under the sun. The app is free and transferring videos from your PC wireless it very easy. VLC will also recognize Plex servers on the network and other forms of local sharing.

Download: VLC for Mobile

Best Password Manager: 1Password


If you’re looking for a secure way to store your passwords and credit card details that isn’t stored on someone else’s servers, but either on your own device or on your own Dropbox account, use 1Password. With Touch ID, it’s really easy to go into the app, and get the passwords.

Download: 1Password

Best Weather App: Dark Sky


If you aren’t already, this app will turn you into a weather nerd. The app provides literally everything you need to know about the weather, down to your exact locality. You can customize what it can show (the widget is also pretty good). The default full screen view emphasizes on iconography and readability.

Download: Dark Sky ($3.99)

Best TV Tracker: TeeVee


I like TeeVee because it’s simple. Just add the shows you want to track and TeeVee’s Home screen will show you all the upcoming shows, sorted by what’s next. 3D Touch a TV show and you’ll get information about the episode title and description. You can mark episodes as watched, and browse the entire catalog. You can also choose to get notified 30 minutes before your favourite shows start.

Download: TeeVee ($2.99)

Best Bitcoin App: Coinbase

Blockchain’s main rival and also well worth downloading, Coinbase is another major ‘name’ in Bitcoin. You get the same wallet functionality, plus analysis and alerts – rather than show you more wallet examples, I’ve done screenshots for the latter here:

Coinbase Wallet

As with Blockchain, you use a traditional source of funds to shore up your Coinbase account with Bitcoins and then you trade them from there. And, as shown, Coinbase takes its cut from the initial transfers, 1.5% minimum, plus it takes a small amount from the natural Bitcoin trading process too. It’s worth emphasising this as, like standard stock trading, the very act of being in the marketplace costs money. So you should only make moves in or out when you’re completely confident that it’s ‘worth it’.

Part of knowing when to strike is being alerted when a coin you’re interested in crosses a certain threshold and Coinbase has an excellent alert system in place:

Coinbase alerts

You can thus have multiple alerts on multiple coins and you can just sit back and wait for the market to move far enough so as to need your attention.

With detailed charts, great alerts and a fully working wallet system in place, this is another top (and yet again free) download for the iPhone.

Editor Note: Use this link to signup for Coinbase. Once you buy or sell $100 of digital currency or more, we both will get $10 of free bitcoin.

Download: Coinbase

Your Favorite App

Of course, we can’t cover every great app in one list. So what did we miss? Share the apps that you think are the best in the comments below.

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