How to Clean iPad Speakers Without Damaging Them

BY Parth Shah

Published 17 May 2020

How to clean iPad speakers

There is no doubt that the iPad is the best selling tablet in the world. People usually prefer it for multimedia and gaming. To Apple’s credit, the company did put some of the best sounding speakers for an enhanced experience in the iPad lineup. But 0ver time, you might observe the quality of audio output degrading or notice a slightly muffled sound coming out of iPad speakers. If you live in a dusty environment, then the small dust particles might get tucked in the iPad speakers’ holes, resulting in the bel0w-average speaker performance.

Apple frequently updates the iPadOS to fix bugs and to keep the iPad running smoothly. Similarly, the hardware on the device also requires attention and care for a long-term life. We have already talked about how to clean and disinfect your iPhone and iPad. In this post, we are going to talk about how to clean your iPad speakers without damaging them.

Clean Your iPad Speakers

The iPad models including iPad Pro, iPad Air, and iPad Mini comes with built-in bottom-firing dual speakers setup. You will see tiny speaker holes beside the lightning connector on the iPad. Let’s talk about the ways to clean them.

Use Toothbrush

This is one of the simple and cost-effective ways to clean the iPad speakers. Take a new dry toothbrush, dip the tip of the toothbrush in rubbing alcohol, and clean the speaker holes using the toothbrush.

clean ipad speakers with toothbrush

Two things to keep in mind. Don’t use the water instead of alcohol. I have seen many users opting for water with a toothbrush to clean iPad speakers and that resulted in liquid damage of the internals. Water usually takes a longer time to evaporate compared to alcohol. And second, don’t dip the whole toothbrush in the alcohol. Also, while cleaning the speakers, don’t put too much pressure on the speaker holes.

Use Painter’s Tape

A dry toothbrush is only useful to clean the dust particles that are visible to you. You won’t be able to clean those tiny stubborn particles in the iPad speakers. For that, the painter’s tape is the perfect tool for you.

Painter’s tape, also known as the masking tape, is a type of pressure-sensitive tape made of thin and easy-to-tear paper. It is used primarily in painting, to mask off areas that should not be painted.

clean ipad speakers with painters tape

You should tear a small part of the tape, roll it around, keeping the sticky part outside, and gently push it into speakers to remove dust from the iPad. You will see those tiny dust particles stuck on the sticky area of the tape. Throw it and repeat the process five or six times.

➤ ScotchBlue Original Multi-Surface Painter’s Tape: Buy [Amazon]

Use Sticky Tac

You might have used this adhesive solution to hang maps, posters, paper decorations. It is also used in classes for educational purposes. You can opt for such sticky tac material to clean iPad and iPhone speakers too. Simply tear a small part, roll it, and gently apply to the speaker holes. It will stick to it and pull out any dust or debris safely. Repeat the process four or five times until you are satisfied with the final outcome.

clean iPad speakers with sticky

Once again, don’t put too much pressure while applying the solution to the speaker holes. Also, be careful while removing it. Even a tiny sticky part left in the speaker hole will damage the iPad speakers and leave you with the muffled audio.

Duck Brand Reusable and Removable Poster Putty: Buy [Amazon]

Use Compressed Air

First, go through the above-mentioned options and only opt for this solution if the iPad speakers are still not working as expected for you. You can use compressed air to remove dust from the keyboard, desktop, smartphone speakers, and iPad speakers.

clean iPad speakers with compressed air

While using compressed air, keep the device 9-10 inches away from the iPad speakers and then blow the air to clean dust. I would strongly advise you to not use the powerful compressed air as it may damage the internals. Also, don’t keep it too near the speakers as I have seen many iPad owners using the compressed air carelessly and ending up with faulty iPad speakers.

➤ Falcon Compressed Gas: Buy [Amazon]

A Word of Caution

You might want to use a toothpick to clean iPad speakers but I won’t recommend the practice. The tip of the toothpick is small and sharp. You may accidentally push the toothpick too far in the speakers damaging them.

Are you having problems with audio output from iPad speakers? Use the above-mentioned methods to clean the iPad speakers and share your experience in the comments section below.

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Thanks elducker for the Sticky-tac suggestion