Launch iPhone flashlight with a tap with this Jailbreak Tweak

BY Osas Obaizamomwan

Published 12 Nov 2015

I used to be afraid of the dark when I was younger. So much so, that my parents needed to install night lights in my room and in the hallway so that I could make it to the bathroom safe and sound. But if I had an iPhone, things may have been different. Even as an adult, there are times when the darkness can be an unwanted visitor. For times like that I use my iPhone to light up the room. But what if I could access that flashlight without even needing to pull up the Control Center. Now that would be dope indeed.

Quickly launch iPhone flashlight with a tap

LockBeam is a free jailbreak tweak that adds the “tap-to-launch” ability to your lock screen. So any time you tap your lock screen X number of times, the flashlight will automatically switch on. This of course creates a super-quick access measure for lighting up a room without having to fumble around on your device to launch the flashlight from the Control Center.

Head over to Cydia and search for LockBeam. Once you’ve found it, tap install and respring your device.

LockBeam - Cydia

There will not be any settings that you’ll need to adjust after you respring your device. The tap-to-launch feature will initiate after 2 taps (default settings).

Remember, this only works on the lock screen. That means if your phone is still locked, you’ll need to press the Sleep/Wake button and then tap one the screen.

While the app works right out of the gate, you can change the number of taps needed to turn on the flashlight. To adjust these settings go into the Settings app and scroll down until you see LockBeam. Inside the LockBeam menu you’ll see Number of Taps. Tap on this and you can adjust the number of taps from two, all the way up to five.

Taps - LockBeam

Once you have chosen the ideal number of taps, head back to the main menu and tap Apply Changes. Your device will Respring and your new changes will be implemented when your device starts up again.

Lock Beam is super easy to install and the benefits are dead simple: Tap your screen to turn on your flashlight. Quick, easy, and very useful.

Let us know what you think about Lock Beam in the comment section.

For tutorials on how to jailbreak iOS 9 – iOS 9.0.2:

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