New iPhone 7 concept showcases some cool iOS 10 features

BY Killian Bell

Published 21 Jan 2016

iPhone 7 concept with iOS 10

A new iPhone 7 concept has surfaced with a bezel-free design and invisible home button — but the reimagined iOS 10 software it runs is by far more exciting. Featuring innovative icon widgets and more customizable home screens, it’s a huge improvement over what we have today in iOS 9.

Created by, this iPhone 7 concept imagines a device with Touch ID integrated into its display, and a borderless screen that has no bezels. It’s somewhat similar to the borderless iPhone 7 concept we saw back in November.

We’re not huge fans of the iPhone itself, though; a borderless display seems like it would be pretty unpractical in real life, and could make simple things like playing games, browsing the web, and even watching movies and videos difficult.

We are big fans of the iOS 10 concept, however. Apple has finally adopted widgets for Notification Center, but this concept imagines what it would be like if iOS icons could transform into widgets to display useful information like the weather forecast.

The iOS 10 concept also has a customizable dock, allowing you to add more icons to it should you choose to, and a double-tap to sleep gesture. Check it out in the video below:

What do you think of this iPhone 7 concept? Would you buy it?