Tim Cook Spent Hours Teaching This Billionaire How to Use His iPhone 11

BY Mahit Huilgol

Published 30 Apr 2020

Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet might be one of the richest people on Earth until recently he was using a flip phone from the yesteryears. The Billionaire is known for his frugal lifestyle and penny-pinching ways. In an interview, Warren Buffet told Yahoo Finance that he got personal instruction from Tim Cook on how to use an iPhone.

Warren Buffet was recently in the news after he switched from his flip phone to the iPhone 11. It is learned that Buffet was reluctant to let go of his flip phone and switch to an iPhone 11. However, Tim Cook urged him to start using an iPhone and even sent a Christmas Card that said this year he will sell an iPhone to Warren Buffet.

In one of the interviews, Tim Cook said: “I told him I’ll personally come out to Omaha and do tech support for him.” Cook promised Buffet a smooth transition to the iPhone 11. When Warren Buffet was in California, Tim spent hours trying to teach him how to use an iPhone. Buffet remarked, “And didn’t quite make it.”

The Billionaire said that they had a lot of fun and Tim Cook “is a terrific guy.” He also called the iPhone an “Unbelievable Product” Furthermore, Buffet says that he never uses the app and there are times he struggles to make the call on his iPhone. He was also clueless as to how one can call somebody on the iPhone! It doesn’t just end here, Buffet didn’t bring his iPhone to the interview as he was worried that “it would ring” and he wouldn’t know what to do with it.

It is not surprising that Warren Buffet is struggling to transition to an iPhone. Warren Buffet is 89 years old and is said to have owned a Samsung U320 flip phone for the past many years. Interestingly, Buffet’s holding company Berkshire Hathaway owns nearly 5.5% of Apple.

Teaching elderly people how to use a smartphone is not easy and according to us, the learning curve is pretty steep. Share your thoughts in the comments below.

[via Yahoo Finance]