If you’ve just got your hands on the shiny new iPhone 5 and want to know how to transfer data from your old iPhone to the new iPhone, then follow the steps mentioned below to first take a backup of your old iPhone and then restore the backup to your new iPhone 5 using iCloud.
In this guide, we will show you how to transfer the data from your old iPhone to iPhone 5 using iCloud. If you’re using iTunes to backup your iPhone, then check out this guide that shows you how to do it using iTunes.
- Though it is not a standard practise, we would recommend you to update your old iPhone to iOS 6 to ensure that you don’t hit any compatibility issues when you migrate from your old iPhone on iOS 5.x or lower to iPhone 5 running on iOS 6. You can check out this guide to update your old iPhone to iOS 6.
- iCloud backs up your device once a day. But it is good practise to backup your old device to iCloud one last time before before migrating so nothing is missed out. Launch the Settings app and navigate to iCloud > Storage & Backup and tap on Back Up now button. This may take time depending on the amount of data to be backed up.
- After the backup is complete, check the Last Backup time (should show current time) to ensure that your backup was successful.

- Now turn off your old iPhone and turn on your new iPhone 5. Note: It’s important that you don’t use your old iPhone as it will cause conflicts with the backups in iCloud.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup assistant by selecting your language and country, and choose whether to enable Location Services. When prompted, choose your Wi-Fi network.

- When prompted to set up, choose “Restore from iCloud Backup,” tap next, and enter your Apple ID and password.

- Select the latest backup of your old device and tap Restore. Wait until the device has finished restoring from the backup. Please note that it can be a time consuming process and depends on the amount of data contained in the backup and on the speed of your Internet connection.

- When the restore process is complete, your iPhone 5 will restart. Then it will be ready for use. You should also connect the device to iTunes to sync data not contained in the backup (such as music, videos, apps , and so on).
- iPhone will also start re-downloading all your apps in the background.
- You can verify and change which data are synced by clicking the syncing tabs in iTunes.
- You will also need to enter your password for your Apple ID, email and other accounts, and voicemail again. The passwords are not restored to a new device for security reasons.
That’s it, you should now be able to use your shiny new iPhone 5.
Let us know how it goes and feel free to drop us a line if you’ve any questions.
[via Apple]