How to watch Apple’s iPad event live

BY Gautam Prabhu

Published 16 Oct 2014

Apple's October 16 iPad event

Apple’s October 16 event where is it is widely expected to unveil iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3, Retina iMac starts in less than 12 hours from now.

The good news is that Apple has announced that it will be live streaming the event.

If you want to watch the event here’s how you can live streaming the event:

Apple TV:

If you have Apple TV 3 or Apple TV 2 with Apple TV software 5.0.2 or later, then navigate to “Apple Events” channel with the with the October 16 ‘It’s been way too logo’ logo on the main menu to watch the event live on your television.

Apple TV Channel - October 16


If plan to watch it on your Mac, then launch Safari browser and point it to the following url: [Please note it won’t on other browsers.]

iPad, iPhone or iPod touch:

If you plan to watch it on an iOS device, then point mobile Safari to the same URL –


Unfortunately, the live stream works only on Apple devices. You can’t watch the live stream of the event on your PC, Linux or Android devices. It won’t work on Safari for Windows. However, Windows users can check the workaround provided by our reader Quantnum to watch the event live on Windows computers. Let us know how it goes in the comments.

But don’t worry we’ve you covered. We’ll be live blogging and bringing you the most comprehensive coverage of the event, so keep a look out for our Liveblog post before the event starts.

What time will the event start:

The event is set to kick off at 10:00 am PT. Check our post to find out when Apple’s October 16 event will start in your time zone.