You might already know the the "Home" button related iPhone tricks as they have been there since iPhone firmware 1.1.1 update which was released last September, and it might be reinventing the wheel as iPhone Hacks reader, renierp puts it.
But, if you don’t know then you might want to check them out as you will find them very useful.
I am sure many
of you listen to music on your iPhone while surfing the internet or
while using other applications, after all iPhone is also the best iPod Apple has created so far.
So in case you wanted to access the iPod controls from any application, you might be hitting the home button and then launching the iPod application from the home screen. However, there is a much easier way to access the iPhone’s iPod controls.
After iPhone firmware 1.1.1 update in September, double clicking the "Home" button on your iPhone brings up a
set of controls for volume, skipping tracks, and pausing your music
without leaving the current application. There’s even a "Music" button
that takes you straight to the iPod application.

There is a similar functionality available from the "Slide to unlock" screen. If you double click the "Home" button from "Slide to unlock" screen or when the iPhone is in sleep mode, a set of
iPod controls will appear below the clock which give you access to
play/pause, skip, and volume controls.
When you have no music playing, then double-clicking the "Home"
button will bring up your Favorites list in the Phone app. This is extremely
helpful when you need quick access to your phone from another
The "Home" button double-click feature can be customized from Settings >> General >> Home Button.
Thanks RL for the tip and Matthew Batey and Davfster for providing the details.
Do you know of an iPhone tip or trick that has not been featured here at iPhone Hacks? If "yes" then we would love to hear about it in the comments.
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