How’s Your iPhone’s Battery Life on iOS 14.5.1?

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 13 May 2021

iPhone 12 Pro Shoot ProRAW

Apple was quick to release iOS 14.5.1 after releasing iOS 14.5. The latter was a major release that added several new features, while iOS 14.5.1 was released to fix a WebKit-related security issue in the OS. With iOS 14.6 still a few weeks away from public release, how happy are you with your iPhone’s battery life on iOS 14.5.1?

Despite being a minor release, iOS 14.5.1 seems to have introduced major performance throttling and battery drain issues on selected iPhones. Many iPhone users have been complaining about poor battery life and performance post the iOS 14.5.1 update. An iOS 14.5.1 battery drain test also confirms that the update brings about a major decline in the battery life of most iPhones.

This problem was not there in iOS 14.5, so it looks like whatever Apple fixed in iOS 14.5.1 seems to have caused the issue. The iOS 14.6 beta releases from Apple also do not suffer from such battery life and performance issues.

If you are facing severe battery drain issues on iOS 14.5.1, you can always follow our guide on iOS 14 Battery drain issues to improve your iPhone’s battery life. Alternatively, you might consider upgrading your iPhone to iOS 14.6 beta until Apple gets around to releasing an update fixing the issue.

How has the battery life of your iPhone been on iOS 14.5.1? Have you also noticed performance issues after the update? Drop a comment and let us know!