How to play the addictive puzzle game 2048 right from your iPhone’s Sringboard

BY Osas Obaizamomwan

Published 13 Apr 2015

At 19 years old I was trying to figure out the perfect beer pong shot trajectory for total campus domination. In contrast, 19-year-old Gabriele Cirulli, created a wildly addictive puzzle game called 2048. In this guide, I’ll be showing you how to play 2048 right from your iPhone home screen.

While the objective is quite simple: slide and combine the numbers until you reach 2048, achieving that goal is pretty damn hard. The highest I gave ever scored is 256. Initially just a web application, Cirulli has created 2048 apps for both Android and iOS. But, jailbreakers can enjoy a nice free tweak called 2048oard, which allows playback from the home screen.

How to play 2048 right from your Sringboard

Head over to Cydia and install 2048oard by uroboro. Once installed, you will need to respring your device. There were some issues with having the game icon appear on the Springboard so the developer removed it and asks that you instead assign an Activator action to launch the game. If you do not have Activator, download it for free in Cydia. Next, chose an action that you want for 2048 and assign it. Now, whenever you do that action (mine is double-tapping on the Status bar) 2048oard will launch.

Activator - Assign - 2048

So, I’ll tap twice on my Status bar and a new game will immediately launch on the Springboard. Slide the squares using your finger to dictate the direction (up, down, left, and right).

2048 - Springboard

Some users may find that your phone will respring in Safe Mode once a game is completed. The developer writes that the most recent update in Cydia should have resolved this issue, but I still ran into it.

Have you reached 2048 yet? Let us know your highest scores or if you ran into any issues in the comment section.