How To Transform Your iPhone Into A Wireless Modem For iPad

BY Andy

Published 7 May 2010

How to transform iPhone into wireless modem for iPad

Should you go for a 3G enabled version of the iPad or should you stick with a Wi-Fi only model? This is one question that has been asked several times by our readers over the past few weeks.

While a 3G enabled version of the iPad can help you connect to the internet on-the-move, the drawback is definitely the price. The iPad 3G + Wi-Fi version costs an additional $130 over the Wi-Fi only model. Also, users who have subscribed to an AT&T data plan have to pay an additional $15 or $30 per month for 3G access.

If you are one of those readers facing this dilemma, here is a nifty trick that will enable your iPad Wi-Fi only model to access internet over an iPhone's 3G data network. The benefits are two-fold in that you save not just on the additional $130 to enable 3G on your iPad, but also on the monthly data plan charges that iPad users need to pay the network carrier for 3G access. 

This is possible with the help of the MyWi app for jailbroken iPhones. Developed by Intelliborn, this iPhone application is easily one of the best solutions available to transform an iPhone into a wireless modem and consequently enable wireless tethering over the device. The only downside is that MyWi is available on Cydia for $9.99, but is worth it based on the benefits mentioned earlier. Setting up the application on a jailbroken iPhone is pretty simple. You may follow our tutorial for step by step guide by clicking here. Though quite obvious, please note that even though iPad Wi-Fi+3G users have paid the additional cost for 3G, they can also use MyWi jailbreak app to save on the monthly costs, if they already own an iPhone.

While this is without doubt a great alternative for iPad Wi-Fi users who do not have 3G access, we must warn you of a few potential consequences though. Firstly, Apple has cautioned users against jailbreaking their iPhone and could void its warranty. Also, unreasonably high data consumption over your iPhone 3G network could get you in trouble with your carrier. Lastly, do note that the MyWi app runs in the background, which could drain your iPhone battery pretty quickly. 

Nevertheless, if you already have a jailbroken iPhone and give it a try, do let us know how it goes. 

[via Wired]