I really like the auto-correct feature of the iPhone. In my opinion it wouldn't have been convenient to use iPhone's revolutionary virtual keyboard if it wasn't for the auto-correct feature.
But there are times when you are tying a lot of slang or text in another language; you don't want the auto-correct feature to kick in.
Folks at Lifehacker have published a quick and easy trick to turn off the auto-correct feature while you are typing.
Apple provided users with the ability to turn on/off the auto-correct feature in Keyboard settings (Settings->General->Keyboard) in iPhone firmware 2.2.
I like the auto-correct feature when I am writing an email but prefer it to be off when I am on Instant messenger as I end up using a lot of slang words while chatting.
But turning on or turning off the auto-correct feature each time using iPhone's Settings app is quite time consuming (so end up keeping it turned on all the time).
So the tip by the Lifehacker reader is quite useful as you can use it anytime.
that by typing out a "z," then touching and dragging to back up the
cursor behind it, he could write as far outside the constraints of his
native land's language as he wanted. Typing behind the Z leaves
auto-correct unable to guess what word you could possibly be
forming—"Restaurantz?" it asks, with a resigned shrug—so it leaves you
alone. Works on any iPhone/touch app that features spelling correction,
Actually this trick works with any letter/word and isn't specific to the letter "z" . If you move the cursor directly behind any letter/word then you should be able to type without the auto-correct feature correcting you.
As always let us know how it goes in the comments and if you found this iPhone trick useful.
[via Lifehacker]