Mosaic Lets you Use Multiple iPhones and iPads as One Big Screen

BY Rounak Jain

Published 3 Apr 2013

mosaicA new app by the name of Mosaic lets you connect multiple iOS devices together and turns then into one large display. This large display can then be used to view photos, videos and other visual content like magazines, games, websites etc.

Here’s a video demo of the app:

To align content between multiple screens, you need to swipe across the adjacent edges of each pair of devices. The app lets you use photos either from your camera roll or from your Dropbox account.

The app, available on the App Store, serves as a simple proof-of-concept for the idea of multiple devices acting as one huge canvas. The developers of the app intend to use the app as an advertisement for their SDK, which enables third party devs to include Mosaic like screensharing in their own apps. So Mosiac enabled third party apps could let you play multi-phone board games, transfer files with a swipe between devices, let you watch movies on multiple iPhones and iPads, and browse the web with a much larger screen real estate.

Let us know what you think of the app in the comments below.

Download link:
