7th-Generation iPod touch conceptualized in New Video

BY Evan Selleck

Published 1 Feb 2019

Word on the street is that Apple is going to refresh the iPod touch lineup this year, which means a seventh-generation device may be on the horizon.

Details on the upcoming and still unofficial iPod touch refresh are still light at this point. The likely bet is that we’ll see Apple update the rear camera on the device, while also bumping up the processor under the hood. It will be primed for iOS 13, which may include a dark mode, among other changes.

ConceptsiPhone took to YouTube to publish a new video conceptualizing what they believe the 7th-Gen iPod touch could look like. They include a smaller bezel on the top of the display, which would certainly be a nice touch. If that does indeed happen, it could be a clear indicator that a smaller bezel is definitely set to arrive on the 2019 iPhone, an oft-rumored speculation.

The biggest feature of the new 7th-gen iPod touch, as envisioned by ConceptsiPhone? A giant 7-inch display. That would be coupled with a pair of speakers on the bottom of the device, and a USB-C port for charging.

There is quite a bit to like about the concept video. You can check it out below. And let us know what you think in the comments.

[via ConceptsiPhone]