This A Capella Group Sings a Spot-On Rendition of iPhone Sounds

BY Mahit Huilgol

Published 5 Feb 2021

Last month a South Korean a cappella group earned praises for their video on Windows sound effects. The A Capella group is back, and this time they have done a rendition of iPhone sounds. The performance is spot on and even includes notification sounds for charging and lock/unlock.

The one minute video covers all the popular sounds/ringtones associated with iPhone. It begins with the classic Opening ringtone, then comes the Marimba ringtone and the Strum ringtone. Furthermore, the group has artistically-recreated the “Alarm” ringtone. Next up comes ringtone for text messages, system noise, charging notification, and also iPhone’s lock sound with great accuracy. A cappella is a form of singing wherein artists emulate musical instruments without using any. It is typically sung by a group of people and requires a great deal of coordination.

Apart from the video itself, we loved the way it is choreographed. We only wished the rendition covered the “Radar” ringtone. On a related note, the band has also created a rendition of Windows sounds. Last year a hacker managed to use PS5 sound as Mac’s Startup chime. Meanwhile, a YouTuber made a song using MagSafe’s charging sound on iPhone 12.

Our Take

iPhone doesnt allow users to choose custom ringtones. However, some workarounds let you do it. On the other hand, iPhone ringtones like “Opening” and “Marimba” are trendy, especially in regions where iPhone is considered a status symbol.

Legend has it that Steve Jobs carefully curated 25 ringtones to add a unique touch to iPhone. That apart, Steve Jobs was fighting with record labels and Others. As this would delay the iPhone launch, Apple released the new phone with only 25 ringtones.