How to fix the motion sickness issue in iOS 7.0.3

BY Gautam Prabhu

Published 23 Oct 2013


The iOS 7.0.3 software update released yesterday, includes a number of bug fixes and improvements.

One of the biggest improvements for people suffering from headaches and nausea after upgrading to iOS 7, is the ability to disable the zoom in animations.

Prior to iOS 7.0.3, one could enable the Reduce Motion setting (Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion) to tone down the changes, however it did not disable the zoom in animation.

iOS 7.0.3 enhances the Reduce Motion setting to minimize both motion and animation. If you enable the settings, iOS replaces the zoom in animation with a cross fade animation, which is much faster and shouldn’t give headaches or cause nausea.

In fact, even though I didn’t get any headaches etc, I’m going to keep the Reduce Motion feature enabled as the cross fade animation kind of makes iOS feel snappier. Check out the video to find out what I mean:

To enable Reduce Motion, launch the Settings app, navigate to Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion, and tap on the On/Off toggle to enable it. Please note that enabling the toggle also disables the parallax effect.


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