Report: iPhone 11 Pro Has Twice the Radiation Level of FCC Limit

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 5 Feb 2020

iPhone 11 Pro IP68 certification

Testing from RF Exposure Lab claims that the iPhone 11 Pro emits twice the amount of radiation than the FCC limit. As per the lab’s tests, the iPhone 11 Pro has a Specific Absorption Rate of 3.8W/kg while the FCC’s legal limit is set to 1.6W/kg.

All the tests were conducted by the lab as per the FCC guidelines which recommend that the iPhone be 5mm away from a mannequin to simulate human tissue. It claims that the radiation level could be even higher if the phone is held close to the body like in a pocket etc.

“Cellphone users should be concerned about exposure to RF radiation,” said Ryan McCaughey, CTO of Penumbra Brands. “The testing shows the iPhone 11 Pro potentially exposes people to more than double what the FCC has deemed safe. Cellphone testing is self-regulated—the manufacturer supplies a phone to an independent lab for testing, and if the phone passes, the FCC approves the device for release. However, when we bought an iPhone ‘off-the-shelf’ and tested it the same way, RF Exposure Lab found it fails the FCC’s safety limit.”

This is not the first time that an independent lab has claimed that the iPhones emit more radiation than legally allowed by the FCC. A similar allegation was made against the iPhone 7 which led the FCC to retest the device along with the iPhone X and the iPhone XS. In its testing, the FCC found no issues with the amount of radiation being emitted by the devices.

With the testing methodology of RF Exposure Lab being unclear, it is best to take this report with a pinch of salt. Both, the FCC and Apple are pretty thorough in their testing and they are unlikely to make such a glaring error with their devices.

The FCC’s radiation limit is important because a high amount of exposure poses a certain health risk. However, it is important to note that the FCC’s radiation limit is extremely conservative, with the radiation actually posing a risk when it is about 50 times higher.

[Via BusinessWire]