Snapchat Announces Story Studio Video Editing App for iPhone, New Spectacles for Creators

BY Mahit Huilgol

Published 20 May 2021

Snapchat has announced a new video editing tool for iOS users. The company announced “Story Studio” for iOS at the annual partnership summit. Snapchat’s new editing app focuses on vertical videos and offers a bevy of tools relevant to the current social media trend. The app will also use data from Snapchat and suggests what type of editing style suits you the best.

Snapchat users can always learn about new lenses, hashtags and other features with the help of Snapchat insights. Story Studio will be getting lenses, Snapchat Sounds and stickers. In other words, you can add all of those while editing videos. Furthermore, the app also lets you trim and edit videos frame-by-frame. Once done, you can share it across Snapchat and download the media. It can also be shared on other platforms.

The Story Studio is a standalone app integrated into the Snapchat ecosystem. It is expected to be launched later this year and will debut for iOS. Snapchat has also released an update for Spotlight. Starting now, content creators can import video files from advanced editing tools like Final Cut Pro. The update also lets you upload Spotlight content via the web.

New Snapchat spectacles

Snapchat is yet to give up on its spectacles. The company has announced fourth-generation Spectacles with dual 3D waveguide displays, the 26.3-degree diagonal field of view, and new AR lens integration. Unlike the previous versions, the new spectacle looks boring. Perhaps this is due to the large frame that houses two RGB camera, four microphones alongside other hardware.

The caveat, though, is that you won’t be able to buy these spectacles. This time around, Snapchat is reserving spectacles for AR effects creators and not to the public.

[via TheVerge]