Meet Steeri, Driverless Car app powered by Siri [Video]

BY Gautam Prabhu

Published 10 Dec 2013

Video thumbnail for youtube video Meet Steeri, Si

Apple has been adding features such as Siri Eyes Free and iOS in the Car to bring Siri and other Apple services to your car.

We’re not sure if these are baby steps to Apple eventually launching their self-driving car like Google, but Filmmakers John Dabrowski and Mark Odlum have created a spoof video, which gives a glimpse of what it would be like if Siri was to drive your car.

“We kept hearing about this Google ‘Driverless Car,’ right around the time Siri was becoming popular, and John happened to go for a ride in his friend’s new car,” Odlum told AllThingsD.

“They decided to test out the fancy voice-activated navigation system. It didn’t work, and immediately tried to send them to Iceland — no kidding.”

They are calling their driverless car app powered by Siri, Steeri, and the video has been made just like Apple’s new product launch videos.

[Via AllThingsD]