Jony Ive talks about the Apple Pencil; explains why it is called so and more

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 18 Nov 2015


Just before the launch of the iPad Pro, multiple high profile Apple executives gave interview to various media publications to create hype around the product. Wallpaper has published one such interview today in which Jony Ive talks about the Apple Pencil.

When questioned why Apple created the Apple Pencil, Ive says that there is a huge market of people out there who want something like the Pencil — and it is not just limited to those people who went to the art school. He also says that creating the Apple Pencil was a classic case of one product solving multiple problems.

He also says that developing the Apple Pencil required the company to develop new technologies for the iPad Pro as well.

Often, when we develop a product in the hope of solving a specific problem, we end up having to try to solve multiple problems not confined to a single area. This is a classic case. This was a problem that wouldn’t be solved by just developing the very sophisticated technology that eventually became the Apple Pencil. We had to develop new technologies for the actual iPad Pro too.

You saw just how low the latency was, how quickly we can draw and how quickly we can render video. There was some substantial, deep technology to develop to make the pencil work as intuitively and naturally as hopefully you saw.

As to why Apple decided to call the Apple Pencil a ‘Pencil’ and not a ‘Pen’ or stylus, Ive says that the word ‘Pencil’ “seems very analogue in its association.” He also notes that despite being called a Pencil, the device has a very neutral identity that allows it to act as a ink pen, paint brush, charcoal, or a pencil depending on who uses it.

The full interview can be found over here. Do make sure to read it since it makes for a pretty fascinating read.

Initial reviews of the iPad Pro greatly praised the Pencil for its low latency and accuracy. The Apple Pencil can be purchased for $99 through Apple’s online and retail stores.

[Via Wallpaper]