Apple recently unveiled the Apple Watch Ultra with up to 36 hours of battery life. Garmin, one of the prominent smartwatch makers in the United States, has now mocked Apple for promising only “hours” of battery life on the Watch Ultra.
Garmin recently launched the Enduro 2 watch in the US, focused on athletes and sports professionals. The Enduro 2 smartwatch offers solar charging, advanced mapping features, an LED flashlight, and much more. Promoting the Enduro 2 on Twitter and taking a dig at Apple Watch Ultra, Garmin said that its smartwatch offers “months” of battery life and “not hours.”
We measure battery life in months. Not hours. #Enduro2
— Garmin (@Garmin) September 8, 2022
Despite Garmin’s claim that its smartwatch provides months of battery life and not hours, it actually advertises “150 hours of GPS battery life with solar charging” and “up to 34 days of battery life in smartwatch mode.” On the other hand, Apple is promising up to 36 hours of battery life on the Watch Ultra on normal use and up to 60 hours with Low Power Mode turned on.
Price-wise, the Enduro 2 costs more than Apple Watch Ultra. It has been priced at $1,099, while the Apple Watch Ultra costs $799. The Apple Watch Ultra also features advanced sensors such as an ECG sensor, blood oxygen monitoring, heart rate alerts, and a women’s health temperature sensor.
Out of the two smartwatches, which watch do you believe is the best for sports professionals? Have you placed a pre-order for the Apple Watch Ultra? Drop a comment down below and let us know!