Apple Adds Support for Multiple Builds and Group Management to TestFlight

BY Smidh

Published 12 Apr 2017


Apple has announced a bunch of upgrades to TestFlight, which allows developers to beta test their apps with external tests. The latest update to the platform allows developers to offer multiple builds of their apps to beta testers for testing.

This will allow developers to test A/B builds of their apps among beta testers. Additionally, to make it easier to manage groups of beta testers, Apple has now introduced support for groups in TestFlight. Developers will now be able to group beta testers into different groups perhaps depending on the builds they are currently testing. For now, all beta testers in TestFlight will automatically be added to the “External testers” group.

As for beta testers, they can now continue to be on the beta version of the app even after it has gone live on the App Store. For iTunes Connect users, they will be able to access all active test builds thereby allowing them to seamlessly compare changes between different builds. Lastly, they now also have an option to reinvite users to their beta group if they did not accept the invitation the first time around.

[Via Apple]