Apple Offering Free Repair for Products Damaged in Japan Floods

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 27 Jul 2018

Japan Floods

Japan has experienced devastating floods this year which has led to hundreds of thousands of people evacuating their home and millions worth of property being damaged. Now, Apple has expressed its heartfelt sympathy to people living in Japan and is offering them free repairs for products damaged in the flood.

The company in its announcement says that it will repair any Mac, iPhone, Apple Watch, or Thunderbolt Display for free as long as they are still in a repairable state if it was damaged during the floods. Once you contact Apple, it will collect the damaged product from your doorstep and then deliver it to you after being repaired as well.

Apple does note that there might be a delay in the repair process due to many delivery services and Apple’s own service centers being affected by the floods. It is offering free product repairs for customers until the end of September so affected customers have plenty of time to contact Apple and get their product repaired.

You can read Apple’s announcement here for more details.

[Image Source CNN]