Apple Releases Three New Videos Under its ‘Life is Easier on iPhone’ Campaign

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 29 May 2017

After releasing five new videos where Apple enticed Android users to switch over to iPhone and revamping its switching to iPhone website, the Cupertino company has gone ahead and released three more ads under its “Life is easier on iPhone” campaign. 

Like with the previous videos in this campaign, the three new videos — titled “iPhone – Smooth”; “iPhone – Security”; and “iPhone – Contacts” are all 15 seconds long and show a person making the switch from a ‘grey’ smartphone to an iPhone and enjoying the superior life.

The previous videos from Apple in this series were based on transferring Photos, Privacy, Music, and others.

If you are looking to make the switch from an Android phone to an iPhone, head over to Apple’s dedicated ‘Life is easier on iPhone’ website to know more about the switching process.