How to disable specific camera modes in the Camera app on your iPhone [Jailbreak Only]

BY Ali Hassan Mahdi

Published 6 Jan 2015


There are various different camera modes on iOS 8. Personally, I’ve never been in a moment where I wanted to use the Slo-Mo, Panaroma or even the Square mode when capturing a picture using my iPhone. The modes that I use frequently are the Photo and Video modes and I guess it’s more or less true for other users as well.

CameraModes is a new jailbreak tweak that debuted on Cydia recently to aid users who never use some of the camera modes. As you might have guessed by now, the tweak allows you to easily enable or disable the shooting modes in the Camera app that you don’t require and might not do so in the future.

Once you install the tweak on your device, a new preference pane will be added to the Settings app dedicated to CameraModes. From there, you can enable or disable the tweak on demand. You’ll also find toggles for each of the modes available in the Camera app which you can enable or disable such as Panorama, Square, Photo, Video, Slo-Mo and Time-Lapse.


Keep in mind that you should keep at least one of the toggles enabled, as mentioned by the developer, otherwise it would case the Camera app to crash. Check out the tweak in action in the video below.

If you’re a person who uses only some of the shooting modes in the Camera app and not all of them, you should definitely consider checking out CameraModes by iOS developer PoomSmart. You can download it now for free from Cydia’s BigBoss repository.