Italy’s ‘Immuni’ Contact Tracing App Based on Exposure Notification API Is Available on App Store

BY Mahit Huilgol

Published 1 Jun 2020

Earlier this year, Apple and Google announced a partnership to develop contact tracing API for iOS and Android devices. The API is designed to allow public health authorities to develop their own apps. Countries like Latvia and Switzerland are testing their contact tracing app based on Apple-Google API. Now Italy has joined the list and released a new contact tracing app called ‘Immuni.’

Apple has released the Exposure Notification on iOS 13.5 and iPadOS 13.5. The Exposure Notification API is only accessible to public health authorities. The Ministry of health in Italy believes that the app will help contain and trace COVID-19 spread. As most of the countries are easing/removing lockdowns, the contact tracing app is expected to play a major role.

Immuni is the official exposure notification app of the Italian government, developed by the Extraordinary Commissioner for the COVID-19 Emergency, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Innovation Technology and Digitalisation. The app is developed and released in full compliance with the protection of the user’s personal data and with current legislation, including the law-decree of April 30, 2020, n. 28.

Contact tracing apps like Immuni will notify the users if they are at the risk of carrying the virus. The user can immediately take action and self isolate themselves. This way the further spread of COVID-19 is contained and it is also easy for authorities to trace the source of transmission. Furthermore, the detrimental effects of COVID-19 are considerably reduced when detected and treated in the initial stage.

Immuni app is already available for download on the App Store. The Immuni app is based on Bluetooth Low Energy Technology and will not collect any GPS data. That apart, the user’s identity will also be sufficiently masked and details like name, telephone number, the email will not be disclosed. Interestingly, Immuni seems to be the only contact tracing app based on Apple-Google API to be available for download on Apple Store.

[via Federico Viticcico]