Parent Forced to Sell Car After Son Spends Over $1,800 on App Store

BY Sanuj Bhatia

Published 29 Jun 2021

iPhone App Store

App Store’s billing system has often been criticized for not having a cap on the spending limit. A man in the UK has learned the lesson the hard way as he had to sell off his car in order to pay his son’s iPhone App Store bill.

As reported by the Daily Mail, Muhammad Mutaza of North Wales was handed a bill amounting to £1,289 (~$1,800) for purchases on App Store. After a lot of ‘looking into,’ Mutaza found out that it was his son who made a series of in-app purchases on the App Store while playing the free game Dragons: Rise of Berk.

His son, Ashaz, had memorized the password of his father’s Apple account. Muhammad, initially thought that he was “scammed” as he had been charged for the game after receiving 29 email receipts for transactions ranging from £1.99 to £99.99.

Apple offered a refund to Mutaza, however it wasn’t for the full money. Apple offered a refund of £207. Infuriated with Apple, Mutaza says that he isn’t going to spend any more money on Apple products and services, and is planning to take legal action as well. But for now, Mutaza is planning to sell off his Toyota Aygo to pay for the App Store bill.

Such cases of misspending on the App Store are quite common these days. A while back, an 11-year-old spent over $7,500 on in-app purchases on iPad. Have you heard of such misspending on iPhone’s App Store? Let us know in the comments section below!

[Via Daily Mail]