Download the 15 new iOS 9 wallpapers right now

BY Osas Obaizamomwan

Published 7 Aug 2015

When Apple updates their operating systems users are welcome to a batch of new and wonderful wallpapers for their devices or Mac computers. We have seen the new wallpapers for Yosemite, and El Capitan, and iOS 9. With the release of the iOS 9 Public Beta and the fifth seed of the Developer Beta, we now have 15 brand new iOS 9 wallpapers to enjoy.

How to get the new iOS 9 wallpapers 

You can download all 15 images in 1242 x 2208 by following my IMGUR link.

If we find other high-resolution images they will be added here.

I know some people were hoping for some more Dynamic wallpaper options, but we are still waiting for those. And the new, updated removed some older wallpapers as well, so don’t think that there is something wrong with your device. Some of the old iOS 8 and iOS 7 wallpapers simply had their spots taken.

I am a huge fan of the new wallpapers and now you can download all fifteen and try them for yourself. Thanks to Fabiano Confuorto for adding the images.

Which iOS 9 wallpaper is your favorite? Let us know in the comment section.