How To Convert Tethered iOS 6.x Jailbreak Into Untethered Jailbreak Using evasi0n 6.x Untether

BY Jason

Published 4 Feb 2013


As we had reported earlier, evad3rs dev team has just released the package on Cydia called evasi0n 6.x Untether.

It gives iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod touch 4G users who had jailbroken their iOS devices on iOS 6.x using Redsn0w the option to convert the tethered jailbreak into an untethered jailbreak.

Converting from an tethered to an untethered jailbreak would save you the trouble of reinstalling the jailbreak apps and tweaks. However, it hasn’t been tested fully so the conversion process may have some bugs. So if you don’t want to take any chances then MuscleNerd has advised iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod touch 4G users to restore to iOS 6.1 using iTunes to get ready for the evasi0n jailbreak.

I just tested it out on an iPod touch 4G and it worked without any issue. Follow these simple steps to convert your iOS 6.x tethered jailbreak to an untethered jailbreak:

  • Launch Cydia
  • Tap on the Search Tab
  • Then search for evasi0n 6.x Untether
  • Select evasi0n 6.x Untether from the search results


  • Then tap on the Install button, followed by the Confirm button
  • After it is successfully installed, reboot your device.
  • When it reboots for the first time, you will see the evasi0n logo along with the status of the conversion process such as Initializing offsets, Cleaning up…, Done! Continuing boot.

Now if you reboot your device again, you should not have any problem using apps such as Cydia.

Let us know how it goes.