Electra 1.3.0 with ‘jailbreakd2’ for iOS 11 – iOS 11.4.1 Released to Fix Freezing Issues

BY Rajesh Pandey

Published 3 Feb 2019

Electra 1.2.0 Jailbreak for iOS 11.4.1 - iOS 11

Following the release of Electra 1.2.0 last week based on a new exploit for iOS 11 – iOS 11.4.1, the Electra team has updated their jailbreak tool for v1.3.0 with ‘jailbreakd2’, a “next-gen version rewritten from groundup” to fix freezing issues that many users had previously reported. 

Electra 1.2.0 and greater itself is based on a new iOS 11 – iOS 11.4.1 exploit that allows for a more stable jailbreak with a higher success rate.

Below is the full change-log of Electra v1.3.0:

– No longer require platformization to control launchd (requires tweaks switch enabled)

– Replace jailbreakd with jailbreakd2 (Next-gen fully-async jailbreakd with prioritization and a faster queuing system)

– jailbreakd2: Fix freezing in low memory conditions

– jailbreakd2: Faster ldrestarts, resprings

– jailbreakd2: XCode debugging success rate improved (click continue in the debugger on SIGCONT to proceed debugging)


While the Electra team was the first to release an update to their jailbreak tool based on this new exploit, the Pwn2ownd team was not far behind and updated their jailbreak tool unc0ver soon to base it off the new exploit.

If you have already used Electra to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad running iOS 11, it is recommended that you update to this release due to the stability improvements it brings to the table.

Download Electra